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What is HIV?
What is HIV?: Research
HIV is an acronym for "Human Immunodeficiency Virus"
Evolving from SIV (Simian [apes, monkeys] Immunodeficiency Virus), HIV is a virus that attacks CD4 cells - a type of lymphocyte that aids in immune responses. The more time progresses, the more CD4 cells HIV eliminates. Eventually, the virus can destroy so many of these immune response cells that the body can stop fighting off any infections or diseases.

There is currently no cure for HIV.
However, researchers, scientists, doctors, and the likes have worked countless hours to provide HIV infected individuals with the best treatment possible. With this treatment, ART (antiretroviral treatment), the virus can be better controlled. If HIV can be controlled early on, an infected individual may have a lifespan equivalent to a "healthy" person.
There are three stages to HIV.

The only way to detect infection is through testing.
Prevention is possible!

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